Service Opportunities at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

ADULT CHOIR – Rehearsal Sunday morning from 10:15-11:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall Choir Room.  Director: Dennis Searles 

ADULT BIBLE STUDY – Sunday morning following the worship service led by lay church leaders.

ALTAR GUILD – Membership in the Altar Guild is an opportunity for women of the congregation to share in Christian service to our church and service to our Lord. The purpose of the work of the Altar Guild is to SERVE with SPIRITUAL COMMITMENT, and to serve toward a SPIRITUAL GOAL. We welcome any ladies to join our membership. Chairwoman: Marie Ballard

BACKPACK MINISTRY - Good Shepherd members provide funding to purchase  backpacks, socks, Bibles, hygiene supplies, etc. to fill backpacks to give to  our homeless neighbors in Glens Falls. We also support the Open Door Mission in Glens Falls. Leader: Aaron Jabot

CONFIRMATION CLASS -  A 2-year program for young people in 7th & 8th grade..  Class meets Sunday morning following the worship service during the school year. Adult catechesis is also available for adults interested in membership in LCMS.  Confirmation Instruction:  Pastor Wagner. 

FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Many activities take place throughout the  year to provide fellowship opportunities for members, family and friends, such as, Easter Breakfast, Pancake Breakfast, Movie Night, Soup and Sandwich luncheons, Christmas Fiesta, Hanging of the Greens, Sunday Coffee Hour, and other celebration receptions.

LADIES SOCIETY - Ladies of the church meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from Sept to June for fellowship and service to the church , community, and the world. Ladies Society is a member of the LWML – Lutheran Women Missionary League. President: Karen Cummings

LOVE OFFERINGS – Good Shepherd members give from their heart when the need arises in our church family, community, country and the world.

MENS CLUB – Date of restart TBD

 OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – October/November is collection time for the Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child. Members shop to fill boxes and provide financial support for this special world – wide ministry. Leaders: Rita Deppe and Becky Preuss

SUNDAY SCHOOL – Sunday School is held at 10:15 AM following the worship service. Classes are for children ages 4-11 and held in the Education Room in the  Fellowship Hall. Sunday School: Donna West

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL -  VBS is held during the month of August each year. Vacation Bible School Director: Donna West 

CONGREGATIONAL VOTERS MEETINGS – Meetings for voting members of Good Shepherd  are held during the year.  Notice is given 3 weeks prior to the meeting. Council President: Dr. Robert Orban

CHURCH COUNCIL: Twelve members serve on the Council that meets on the second Monday of the month.
